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Here we show some videos of our research works in robotics
Behaviour-based navigation |
In this video it can be seen a real example of our behaviour-based architecture.
The task of the robot consists in navigating from the start of a wall, placed at its left, until
the start of the corridor. The robot follows the generated plan activating the behaviour "Follow Wall"
until the detection of the door. In this moment the behaviour "Cross Wall" is activated. This behaviour
makes a temporal model of the gap of the door. When the door has been crossed, the robot has no sensorial
references, therefore, it creates an occupancy grid of the environment to know the obstacles of the environment.
When robot finds the nearest wall it
activates the "Follow Wall" behaviour again until reaching its goal.
Reactive following of a landmark |
In this video the robot finds a landmark placed beside a door labeled as "00". A set
of fuzzy and visual behaviours cooperate to lead the robot to the door. In the way
to the door, visual behaviours “fixate” the landmark indicating the straight direction
to the door. Meanwhile, fuzzy behaviours lead the robot in the direction indicated by the camera, avoiding
possible obstacles found in the way.
Crossing a door |
(Continuation of previous video) Once the robot is near enough the door, a set of fuzzy behaviours makes the robot cross it.
The robot creates a temporal model of the environment detecting the gap of the door and cross it.
Looking for next door |
(Continuation of previous video) When the door has been crossed the robot is prepared to find the following door to cross. The robot aligns itself
in the corridor and check in its topological map where is the next door (at the right-side in this case).
The following door has a landmark labeled as "02".
Follow corridor until find following door |
(Continuation of previous video) The robot follows the corridor pointing the camera towards the wall where the following door is. A set of
fuzzy behaviours keeps the robot in the middle of the corridor while a visual behaviour searches for the landmark
that identifies the following door ("02"). When the landmark has been found, the robot cross the door entering in the desired room.
More videos from Rafael Muñoz-Salinas PhD. Thesis:
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