| |
| A Behavior-Based
Architecture for Mobile Robot Navigation. (In spanish). Doctoral Dissertation for the degree of
Ph.D. in
Computer Science, Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (DECSAI),
University of Granada, September
2000. Advisor: Dr. D. Antonio González
E. Aguirre and A. González. Fuzzy behaviors for mobile
robot navigation: Design, coordination and fusion. International Journal
of Approximate Reasoning, 25:255–289, 2000. |
E. Aguirre, J.C. Gámez, and A. González. A multi-agent
system based on fuzzy logic applied to robocup’s environment. Mathware
and Soft Computing Journal, 8(2):153–178, 2001. |
E. Aguirre and A. González. Integrating fuzzy
topological maps and fuzzy geometric maps for behavior based robots.
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 17(3):333–368, 2002. |
E. Aguirre, L. Castillo, J. Fdez-Olivares, and A. González.
Efficient use of hierarchical knowledge to improve the performance of a
hybrid hierarchical planner. The PLANET Newsletter, 4:5–12, 2002. |
E. Aguirre and A. González. A fuzzy perceptual model for
ultrasound sensors applied to intelligent navigation of mobile robots.
Applied Intelligence, 19 (3):171–187, 2003. |
E. Aguirre, J.F. Argudo, A. González and R. Pérez.
A Fuzzy Perceptual Model for Map Building and Navigation of Mobile
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 11(3): 239–258, 2004. |
R. Muñoz-Salinas,
E. Aguirre,
M. García-Silvente
and A. González.
Door-detection using computer vision and fuzzy logic. WSEAS
Transactions on Systems, 10(3):
3047-3052, December
2004. |
R. Muñoz-Salinas,
E. Aguirre,
M. García-Silvente
and M.
A Multi-agent system architecture for mobile robot navigation based on
fuzzy and visual behavior. Robotica
23(6):689-699, (Cambridge University Press).
November 2005. |
R. Muñoz-Salinas,
E. Aguirre,
M. García-Silvente
and A.
People detection and tracking through stereo vision for human-robot
interaction. Lectures Notes on Artificial
Intelligence, 3789:337-346 (Springer).
November 2005. |
R. Muñoz-Salinas,
E. Aguirre
and M. García-Silvente.
Detection of doors using a genetic visual fuzzy system for mobile robots.
Autonomous Robots 21(2):123-141, 2006. |
R. Muñoz-Salinas, E. Aguirre and M.
García-Silvente. People Detection and Tracking using Stereo Vision and
Color. Image and Vision Computing 25(6): 995-1007, Junio 2007.
R. Muñoz-Salinas, E. Aguirre, M. García-Silvente
and M. Gómez. Continuous Stereo Gesture Recognition with Multi-Layered
Motion Templates and Support Vector Machines. Lectures Notes in Computer
Science (Ed.Springer) vol. 4.827, pp.: 789 -799, Noviembre 2007.
R. Muñoz-Salinas, E. Aguirre, M. García-Silvente
and R. Paúl. A New Person Tracking Method for Human-Robot Interaction
Entended for Mobile Devices. Lectures Notes in Computer Science (Ed.Springer)
Vol. 4.827, pp.: 747-757, Noviembre 2007.
R. Muñoz-Salinas, E. Aguirre, O. Cordón
and M. Garcia-Silvente. Automatic tuning of a fuzzy visual system using
evolutionary algorithms: single-objective vs. multiobjective approaches.
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 16(2):485-501, 2008.
R. Muñoz-Salinas, E. Aguirre, M. García-Silvente
and A. González. A multiple object tracking approach that combines colour
and depth information using a confidence measure. Pattern Recognition
Letters 29(10): 1504-1514, 2008.
E. Aguirre, A. González, and R. Pérez. A description of
several characteristics for improving the accuracy and interpretability of
the fuzzy rule learning algorithms. In J. Casillas, O. Cordón, F.
Herrera, and L. Magdalena, editors, Fuzzy Modeling and the
interpretability-accuracy trade-off. Part II: Accuracy improvements in
Linguistic Fuzzy modeling. Chapter 11. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft
Computing, pages 249–276. Springer-Verlag, 2003. |
E. Aguirre, M. García-Alegre, and A. González. A fuzzy
safe follow wall behavior fusing simpler fuzzy behaviors. In Proc. of
the Third IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, pages 607–612,
Madrid, Spain, 1998. |
E. Aguirre, A. González, and R. Pérez. A fuzzy
perceptual model for ultrasound sensors and intelligent navigation of
mobile robots. In Programs & Proceedings of the Third Int. NAISO
Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems, In CD–Rom, Málaga, 2002. |
E. Aguirre, A. González, and R. Pérez.
An Inductive Approach for Learning Fuzzy Relational Rules. In
Proc. of the III International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and Technology, pages.
88 - 93, Zittau, Germany, 2003. |
E. Aguirre, M. García-Silvente, M. Gómez, R.Muñoz and C.
Ruiz. A multi-agent system based on active vision and ultrasounds applied
to fuzzy behavior based navigation.
In Proc of the 10 Th International Symposium on Robotics and
Applications (ISORA 2004) in the World Automation Congress (WAC 2004),
Sevilla, Spain, 2004. |
E. Aguirre, A. González and R.
Muñoz. Mobile Robot Map-Based Localization using approximate locations and
the Extended Kalman.
In Proc. of the 10 Th International Conference on Information
Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU
2004), pages 191-198, Perugia, Italy, 2004.
R. Muñoz-Salinas, E. Aguirre, M.
García-Silvente y A. González.
Door-detection using computer vision and fuzzy logic. In
Proc of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods &
Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering. Special session on Models
and Applications of Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent Controllers. (In CD-Rom
ISBN: 9608457076).
(Greek), December
R. Muñoz-Salinas, E.
Aguirre, M. García-Silvente and A. González.
Tuning a visual fuzzy system using SPEA2. In Proc. of the First
International Workshop on Genetic Fuzzy Systems (GFS’2005) pages 37-43,
Granada (Spain). March 2005.
R. Muñoz-Salinas, E.
Aguirre, M. García-Silvente y A. González. A
fuzzy system for visual detection of interest in human-robot interaction.
In Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Machine Intelligence
(ACIDCA-ICMI'2005) pages 574-581, Tozeur (Tunisia). November 2005.
E. Aguirre and A. González. Diseño y coordinación de
comportamientos difusos para navegación de robots móviles. In X
Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy, pages 115–120,
Sevilla, 2000. |
E. Aguirre and A. González. Integración de modelización
topológica y geométrica para navegación de robots móviles. In I
Workshop Hispano-Luso de Agentes Físicos (WAF'2000), pages 167–181, Tarragona, 2000. |
E. Aguirre, J.C. Gámez, and A. González. Un sistema
multi-agente basado en lógica difusa aplicado al ámbito de la robocup.
In II Workshop Hispano-Luso de Agentes Físicos (WAF'2001), pages 131–145, Madrid,
2001. |
E. Aguirre, J.F. Argudo, and A. González. Exploración
autónoma del entorno y construcción de un mapa topológico mediante un
robot móvil. In Actas del III Workshop on Physical Agents (WAF’2002),
pages 1–12, Murcia, 2002. |
E. Aguirre, A. González, and R. Pérez. Un modelo de
selección de características para algoritmos de aprendizaje basados en el
modelo de Pittsburgh. In Actas del Primer Congreso Español de
Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, pages 354–360, Mérida, 2002. |
| E. Aguirre, M. Gómez, R. Muñoz, and C. Ruiz. Un sistema
multi-agente que emplea visión activa y ultrasonidos aplicado a navegación
con comportamientos difusos. In Actas del IV Workshop on Physical Agents
(WAF’2003), pages 63–74, Alicante, 2003. |
| E. Aguirre, M. García-Silvente, A. González and R. Muñoz.
Detección de puertas mediante información multisensorial y su
aplicación a la navegación de robots móviles. In
Proc. of the V Workshop on Physical Agents (WAF'2004), pages 33-42, Gerona,
2004. |
| E. Aguirre, M. García-Silvente, A. González and R. Muñoz.
Detección de puertas mediante visión y lógica difusa. In Actas
del XII Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (ESTYLF 2004),
pages 389-394 Jaén, 2004. |
R. Muñoz-Salinas, E.
Aguirre, M. García-Silvente and A. González.
Detección y seguimiento de
personas usando visión estéreo. In Actas del VI Workshop de Agentes
Físicos (WAF'2005) dentro del Primer Congreso Español de Informática
(CEDI’2005), pages 51-58, Granada.
September 2005.
R. Muñoz-Salinas, E.
Aguirre, M. García-Silvente y A. González. Un Sistema Visual Difuso para la Detección de
Interés en la Interacción Robot-Persona. In Actas del VII Workshop en Agentes Físicos (WAF 2006),
pages 49 – 56, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Abril 2006.
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