Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial


Manuel Pegalajar Cuéllar Manuel Pegalajar Cuéllar is associate professor with the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Granada.

My research covers a wide range of fields within Artificial Intelligence: I've been working with artificial neural networks for economic time series prediction. I'm also an expert in the use of numerical and soft computing methods to solve optimization problems, with special highlight in evolutionary and multi-objective algorithms. I've also worked in computer representations for the integration of information from heterogeneous databases using knowledge representation techniques such as ontologies and social network analysis. Regarding knowledge transfer and applied research, I mention the development of applications for the modelling of disposable chemical optical sensors, and ambient intelligence resources for e-Health.

My main activity is carried out within the research group Approximate Reasoning and Artificial Intelligence, ARAI, TIC-111, although I'm also in collaboration with further multidisciplinar research teams with special mention to ECSenS: Electronic and Chemical Sensing Solutions, where we provide a wide coverage of enterprise solutions. You can explore the left menu in this web to obtain updated information about these projects.

In respect to my teaching profile, I teach at the Degree on Computer Engineering at the University of Granada (Faculty of Education at Ceuta)and the Highschool Teaching Master degree (area of technology). I'm also available as supervisor for Master Theses at the Máster on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems with the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. The subjects I teach are mainly focused in computer programming, artificial intelligence and algorithms design. For further information about these issues, you can explore the left menu in this web page.