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———————————— Curriculum of F. Herrera —————————————
Francisco Herrera born in 1966, received his M.S. degree in Maths in 1988 and Ph.D. in Math in 1991, both from the University of Granada, Spain.
He is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science
and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Granada.
He is the head of the research group “Soft Computing and Intelligent Information Systems"
and director of the Lab Evolutionary and Fuzzy Data Mining and Intelligent Systems.
He has published more than 180 papers in international journals and is coauthor
of the book “Genetic Fuzzy Systems: Evolutionary Tuning and Learning of Fuzzy
Knowledge Bases" (World Scientific, 2001).
He has supervised 21 Ph.D’s on Soft Computing topics (among others sub-topics,
computing with words, decision making, genetic fuzzy systems, genetic algorithms,
memetic algorithms, subgroup discovery, instance selection, …).
As edited activities he has co-edited four international books published by Springer:
Genetic Algorithms and Soft Computing (Physica-Verlag, 1996),
Interpretability Issues in Fuzzy Modeling (Springer, 2003),
Accuracy Improvements in Linguistic Fuzzy Modeling (Springer, 2003),
Fuzzy Sets and Their Extensions: Representation, Aggregation and Models.
Intelligent Systems from Decision Making to Data Mining,
Web Intelligence and Computer Vision. (Springer, 2008)
and has co-edited 20 special issues in international journals on different Soft Computing topics,
such as, “Preference Modelling", “Computing with Words", “Ant Colony Optimization”,
“Real Coded Genetic Algorithms”, “Fuzzy Modelling” and “Genetic Fuzzy Systems".
He currently serves:
- as area editor of the Journal:
Soft Computing (Area: “Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Fuzzy Systems”),
- as member of the editorial board of the Journals:
- and as associated editor of the Journals:
His research areas of interest are: Knowledge extraction based on evolutionary learning,
genetic fuzzy systems, data mining data preparation, subgroup discovery, computing with words,
and decision Making, bibliometrics, real coding genetic algorithms, memetic algorithms.
Francisco Herrera's h-index is 41 computed on ISI Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) (September 2010)
and 58 computed on Google Scholar (September, 2010).
An author’s h score is the number of papers that have h or more citations each.