Professional home page

Raúl Pérez 

Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación 
e Inteligencia Artificial 
E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática
Universidad de Granada
Avenida de Andalucia, s/n
18071-Granada (ESPAÑA)
Phone: +34 58 242985;
Fax: +34 58 243317;

Born in 1969 Pinos Puente  Granada (Andalucia), received his M.S. degree in Computer Science in 1992 and his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1997, both from the Granada University. Currectly teaches at the Computer Engineering School (E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática ) of the University of Granada.

 His areas of research interest are: Approximate Reasoning, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Fuzzy Logic and System Modelling  Problems.

 He is member of the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (DECSAI ) and member of the Approximate Reasoning and Artificial Intelligence group (ARAI)

List of Publications

Research Projects


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(Last updated: 26 Jan 1999)

Raúl Pérez
