3.2 Recent Publications




  • Inmaculada Sánchez-Garzón, Juan Fdez-Olivares and Luis Castillo. Monitoring, Repair and Replanning Techniques to support Exception Handling in HTN-based Therapy Planning Systems. I Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Biomedical Applications (CAEPIA 2011). November 2011. Tenerife, Spain.[PDF]
  • Juan Fdez-Olivares, Inmaculada Sánchez-Garzón, Arturo González-Ferrer, Juan A. Cózar, Ana Fdez-Teijeiro, Manuel R. Cabello and Luis Castillo. Task Network based modeling, dynamic generation and adaptive execution of patient tailored treatment plans based on Smart Process Management technologies. 3th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC'11). July 2011. Bled, Slovenia.[PDF] Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 6924, 2012, pp 37-50
  • Juan Fdez-Olivares, Luis Castillo, J.A. Cózar and Oscar García-Pérez.. Supporting Clinical Processes and Decisions by Hierarchical Planning and Scheduling. Computational Intelligence Volume 27, Issue1, pages 103-122. February 2011. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. [PDF]
  • Arturo González Ferrer, Annette ten Teije, Juan Fdez-Olivares, Krystyna Milian. Careflow Planning: from Time-annotated Clinical Guidelines to Temporal Hierarchical Task Networks. Proc. of 13th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2011) .July 2011. Bled, Slovenia.. LNAI 6747, Pages: 265- 275, Springer, 2011.
  • Inmaculada Sánchez-Garzón, Juan Fdez-Olivares and Luis Castillo. A Repair-Replanning Strategy for HTN-based Therapy Planning Systems. Proc. of Doctoral Consortium of the 13th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2011) .July 2011. Bled, Slovenia..[PDF]
  • Francisco Palao, Luis Castillo, Juan Fdez-Olivares, Oscar García-Pérez: Cities that offer a unique and personalized tourist experience to each and every visitor: the Smartourism project. IJCAI 2011 Workshop on AI for an Intelligent Planet. Barcelona, Spain. July 2011.
  • Francisco Palao, Juan Fdez-Olivares, Luis Castillo, Oscar García-Pérez: An extended HTN knowledge representation based on a graphical notation. ICAPS 2011Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (KEPS 2011). Freiburg, Germany. June 2011. [PDF]
  • Ezequiel Quintero, Ángel García-Olaya, Vidal Alcázar, Daniel Borrajo, Juan Fdez-Olivares, César Guzmán, Eva Onaindía, David Prior and Fernando Fernández: Autonomous Mobile Robot Control and Learning with the PELEA Architecture AAAI 2011 PAMR 2011 Workshop. San Francisco, CA, USA. August 2011.
  • Cesar Guzman, Vidal Alcázar, David Prior, Eva Onaindía, Daniel Borrajo, Juan Fdez-Olivares : Building a Domain-Independent Architecture for Planning, Learning and Execution (PELEA) ICAPS 2011 System Demostrations and Exhibits. Freiburg, Germany. June 2011.
  • Eva Hidalgo, Luis Castillo, R. Ignacio Madrid, Oscar García-Pérez, M.R. Cabello and Juan Fdez-Olivares : ATHENA: Smart Process Management for daily activity planning for cognitive impairment. III International Wrokshop on Ambient Assited Living (IWAAL 2011). Málaga, Spain. June 2011.
  • Luis Castillo, Lluvia Morales, Arturo González-Ferrer, Juan Fdez-Olivares, Daniel Borrajo and Eva Onaindía. Automatic generation of temporal planning domains for e-learning problems. Journal of Scheduling, Volume13, pages: 347-362, 2010.
  • Lluvia Morales, Luis Castillo and Juan Fdez-Olivares. Planning for conditional learning routes. MICAI 2009 (8th Mexican International Conference on AI). To appear on LNCS. Guanajuato, Mexico. November 2009
  • Juan Fdez-Olivares and Inmaculada Sanchez-Garzón. Clinical Decision Support based on intelligent planning and Scheduling. Actas 1as. Jornadas Andaluzas de Informática (JAI 2009). ISBN-978–84–613–2306–7, pp 133-139. Canillas de Aceituno, Málaga, Spain. September 2009
  • Arturo González-Ferrer, Juan Fdez-Olivares and Luis Castillo. JABBAH: A Java Application Framework for the Translation Between Business Process Models and HTN. Proceedings of 3rd. ICKEPS 2009 (Hosted on ICAPS 2009)- 28-37. Thessaloniki. Greece. September 2009
    graphicAward for excellence in the 3rd International Competition on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling - ICKEPS 09 [PDF]
  • Juan Fdez-Olivares, J.A. Cózar and Luis Castillo. OncoTheraper: Clinical Decision Support for Oncology Therapy Planning Based on Temporal Hierarchical Tasks Networks. K4Help 2008 - D. Riaño (Ed) - LNAI 5626, pp 25-41. Springer- Verlag. Berlin. May 2009 [PDF]
  • Juan Fdez-Olivares, Luis Castillo, J.A. Cózar, T. Acha and Oscar García-Pérez. Gestión del conocimiento y seguridad en la planificación de tratamientos en oncología pediátrica mediante la aplicación de técnicas de planificación y scheduling inteligentes. XII Congreso Nacional de Informática Médica. InforMed 2008. ISBN 978-84-691-6687-1. Pgs. 46-52. Tenerife. Spain. Noviembre 2008 [DOC][PPTX]
  • Juan Fdez-Olivares, Luis Castillo, J.A. Cózar and Oscar García-Pérez. Supporting clinical processes and decisions by hierarchical planning and scheduling. ICAPS08 Workshop on Planning and Scheduling Applications (SPARK 08) . Sydney. Australia. September 2008 [PDF]
  • Juan Fdez-Olivares, J.A. Cózar and Luis Castillo. Automating Oncology Therapy Plans by means of Temporal Hierarchical Task Networks Planning. ECAI'08 Workshop on Knowledge Management for HealthCare Processes (K4Help). ISBN 978-960-6843-14-3. Patras. Greece. July 2008 [PDF]
  • Arturo González-Ferrer, Juan Fdez-Olivares, Luis Castillo and Lluvia Morales. Towards the Use of XPDL as Planning and Scheduling Modeling Tool: the Workflow Patterns Approach. IBERAMIA 2008. To appear in Springer LNAI [ PDF]. Lisboa. Portugal. October 2008
  • L. Morales, L. Castillo, J. Fdez-Olivares, y A. González-Ferrer. "Building Learning Designs by Using an Automatic Planning Domain Generator: A State-Based Approach" Fourth European Starting AI Researcher Symposium, Patras, Greece, July 2008.
  • L. Morales, L. Castillo, J. Fdez-Olivares, y A. González-Ferrer."Automatic Generation of User Adapted Learning Designs: An AI- Planning Proposal" Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems - 5th International Conference, , Hannover, Germany, July 2008.
  • A. González- Ferrer, L. Castillo, J. Fdez-Olivares, y L. Morales. "Workflow planning for e-learning center management" [to be published in] Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. , Santander, Spain, Julio 2008. IEEE ICALT 2008
  • Juan Fernandez Olivares, Tomás Garzón, Luis Castillo Vidal, Óscar García Pérez, Francisco Palao, Lluvia Morales and Arturo González- Ferrer. AI Planning and Scheduling Technology transfer to Workflow Processes Automation. Workshop on Planning, Scheduling and Constraint Satisfaction. CAEPIA 07.
  • M. de la Asunción, L. Castillo, J. Fdez.-Olivares, O. García-Pérez, A. González, F. Palao. Handling fuzzy temporal constraints in a planning environment. Special Volume of Annals on Operations Research on "Personnel Scheduling and Planning" :Volume: 155 Pages, 391 - 415, 2008 .[ PDF]
  • Luis Castillo, Lluvia Morales, Arturo González-Ferrer, Juan Fdez-Olivares, Óscar García- Pérez. Knowledge engineering and planning for the automated synthesis of customized learning designs. Current topics in Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2007). Springer LNAI 4788, 2007.[ PDF]
  • Juan Fernandez Olivares, Tomás Garzón, Luis Castillo Vidal, Óscar García Pérez, Francisco Palao . A Middleware for the automated composition and invocation of semantic web services based on HTN planning techniques.Current topics in Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2007). Springer LNAI 4788, 2007.[ PDF]
  • L. Castillo, J. Fdez-Olivares, O. García-Pérez, A. Gonz\'alez, F. Palao. Reducing the impact of AI Planning on end users. ICAPS 2007, Workshop on Moving Planning and Scheduling Systems into the Real World (Keynote talk), 2007[ PDF]
  • J. Fdez.-Olivares, L.Castillo, O. García-Pérez, F. Palao. Bringing users and planning technology together. Experiences in SIADEX. Proceedings 16th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2006). AAAI Press Pages:11-20, 2006
    graphicAwarded as the "Best Application Paper" of the 2006 edition.[ PDF]
  • L. Castillo, J. Fdez.-Olivares, O. García-Pérez, F. Palao. Efficiently handling temporal knowledge in an HTN planner. 1roceedings 16th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2006). AAAI Press Pages:63-72, 2006. [ PDF]
  • L. Castillo, J. Fdez.-Olivares, O. García-Pérez, F. Palao. Temporal enhancements of an HTN planner. Spanish Conference on Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2005 (To appear in Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence). [ PDF]
  • M. de la Asunción, L. Castillo, J. Fdez.-Olivares, O. García-Pérez, A. González, F. Palao. SIADEX: an interactive artificial intelligence planner for decision support in forest fire fighting. Artificial Intelligence Communications (AIComm), vol. 18, n.4, pages: 257-268, IOS Press, 2005.
  • L. Castillo, J. Fdez.-Olivares, O. García-Pérez, F. Palao. SIADEX. Un entorno integral de planificación para el diseño de planes de actuación en situaciones de crisis. VI Jornadas de Transferencia Tecnológica de Inteligencia Artificial, TTIA'2005 (AEPIA).[ PDF]     
    graphicAwarded as the best AI technology transfer application during the 1st Spanish Conference on Computer Science 2005 (CEDI 2005).
  • L. Castillo, J. Fdez.-Olivares, O. García-Pérez, F. Palao. SIADEX. An integrated planning framework for crisis action planning. International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2005, Software Demonstrations Track.[ PDF]
  • L. Castillo, J. Fdez.-Olivares, O. García-Pérez, F. Palao. Sistema Inteligente de Ayuda a la Decisión para el diseño de Planes de Extinción: SIADEX. Incendios Forestales Magazine, Spring 2005.[HTML ].
  • M. de la Asunción, L. Castillo, J. Fdez.-Olivares, O. García-Pérez, A. González, F. Palao. SIADEX: an interactive artificial intelligence planner for decision support in forest fire fighting. Workshop on binding Environmental Sciences and Artificial Intelligence (BESAI 2004), European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2004.[ PDF]
  • M. de la Asunción, L. Castillo, J. Fdez.-Olivares, O. García-Pérez, A. González, F. Palao. Knowledge and plan execution management in planning fire fighting operations. Workshop on Planning and Scheduling: Bridging Theory to Practice. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2004. [ PDF]
  • L. Castillo, J. Fdez.-Olivares, A. González. Integration of fuzzy scheduling into a planning framework. Workshop on Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Planning and Scheduling Problems. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2004.[ PDF]
  • S. Fernández, L. Sebastiá, and J. Fdez-Olivares. Planning Tourist Visits Adapted to User Preferences.Workshop on Planning and Scheduling: Bridging Theory to Practice. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2004.[ PDF]
  • L. Castillo, J. Fdez.-Olivares, A. González. Integrating Hierarchical and Conditional Planning techniques into a software design process for Automated Manufacturing. ICAPS 2003, Workshop on Planning under Uncertainty and Incomplete Information [ PDF]
  • L. Castillo, J. Fdez.-Olivares, A. González. Some Issues about the Representation and Exploitation of Imprecise Temporal Knowledge for an AI Planner. The 7thInternational Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES2003, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence LNAI-2773, p. 1321- 1328, 03-05 September, Oxford, UK. [ PDF]

More publications, see publications of SEPIA Group