import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.*; /** An example class used to demonstrate the use of * the JTable component */ public class TableExample extends JFrame { /** Class constructor method * @param titleText Window's title bar text */ public TableExample( String titleText ) { super( titleText ); addWindowListener( new WindowCloser() ); JTable stats = new JTable( new Object[][] { { "Gonzalez", ".295", "34", "12", "6", "10" }, { "Carter", ".302", "27", "12", "2", "15" }, { "Fernandez", ".285", "30", "12", "11", "1" }, { "Greene", ".321", "41", "12", "0", "10" }, { "Delgado", ".298", "34", "12", "1", "20" }, } , new Object[] { "Player", "avg", "1B", "2B", "3B", "HR" } ); JScrollPane scrollStats = new JScrollPane( stats ); getContentPane().add( scrollStats, BorderLayout.CENTER ); setSize( 500, 200 ); setVisible( true ); } /** The test method for the class * @param args not used */ public static void main( String[] args ) { new TableExample( "Table Example" ); } }